Assessment of oral health-related quality of life and periodontal state in patients with end-stage renal disease: a comparison study using propensity score-matched analysis.
Eun-Young Kwon, Ji-Young Joo
2024 Nov 1
Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2024 Nov 1;29 (6):e768-74.
Orthodontic Treatment with Maxillary Anterior Segmental Osteotomy in Chronic Periodontitis Patients: 8-Year Follow-up.
Eun-young Kwon, Sung-hun Kim, Yong-il Kim, Seong-sik Kim, Soo-Byung Park, Youn-Kyung Choi
Clin J Korean Assoc Orthod 2024;14(2):90-99.
Periodontal status of end-stage renal disease patients undergoing dialysis and referred for intraoral evaluation prior to kidney transplant surgery.
Youn-Kyung Choi, Hye-Mi Jeon, Ji-Young Joo, Hyun-Joo Kim, Eun-Young Kwon
J Dent Rehabil Appl Sci 2024;40(2):46-54.
Root coverage using laterally positioned flap and subepithelial connective tissue graft for the treatment of the isolated recession defects on mandibular anterior teeth: case report.
Youn-Kyung Choi, Hye-Mi Jeon, Kyoung-Hwa Jung, Na-Rae Choi, Ji-Young Joo, Hyun-Joo Kim, So-Yeun Kim, Eun-Young Kwon
Oral Biol Res 2023;47(1):27-33.
The Spontaneous Correction of Gingival Recession of the Mandibular Lateral Incisor through Orthodontic Torque Control: A Case Report.
Eun-Young Kwon, Soo-Byung Park, Seong-Sik Kim, Yong-Il Kim, Youn-Kyung Choi
Clin J Korean Assoc Orthod 2023;13(1):42-51.
Periodontal and prosthetic treatment of maxillary incisors with pathological tooth migration: a case report with 10-year follow-up.
So-Yeun Kim, Eun-Young Kwon
J Dent Rehabil Appl Sci 2022;38(1):26-33.
Orthodontic intrusion treatment of mandibular anterior teeth in a periodontal patient with hyperdivergent skeletal pattern: 8-year follow-up.
Eun-Young Kwon, Kyung-Hwa Jung, Soo-Byung Park, Seong-sik Kim, Yong-il Kim, Youn-kyung Choi
J Dent Rehabil Appl Sci 2021;37(1):48-60
Treatment of a tooth with furcation involvement and extensive alveolar bone resorption due to endodontic-periodontal combined lesion using root resection: a case report.
Youn-Kyung Choi, So-Yeun Kim, Hye-Mi Jeon, Kyoung-Hwa Jung, Na-Rae Choi, Ji-Young Joo, Hyun-Joo Kim, Eun-Young Kwon
Oral Biol Res 2021;45(1):41-48
A multidisciplinary approach to restore crown-root fractured maxillary central incisors: orthodontic extrusion and surgical extrusion.
Eun-Young Kwon, So-Yeun Kim1, Kyoung-Hwa Jung, Youn-Kyung Choi, Hyun-Joo Kim, Ji-Young Joo
J Dent Rehabil Appl Sci 2020;36(4):262-71.
Intrusion of the extruded maxillary central incisor using skeletal anchorage system and unilateral segmental intrusion arch.
Eun-Young Kwon, Young-Jae Baek, Soo-Byung Park, Seong-sik Kim, Yong-il Kim, Youn-kyung Choi
J Dent Rehabil Appl Sci 2019;35(3):180-90.
Treatment of a tooth with severe periodontal involvement using intentional replantation: case report.
Youn-Kyung Choi, Kyoung-Hwa Jung, Ju-Youn Lee, Ji-Young Joo, Hyun-Joo Kim, Eun-Young Kwon
J Dent Rehabil Appl Sci 2019;35(2):98-104.
Strategy of Esthetic Implant Restoration in Maxillary Anterior Teeth with Severely Resorbed Labial Bone Plate: A Case Report.
Eun-Young Kwon, So-Hyoun Lee, Hyun-Joo Kim, Ju-Youn Lee, Ji-Young Joo
The Korean Academy of Oral & Maxillofacial Implantology 2019;23(1): 36-44.
Guided tissue regeneration therapy after root canal therapy for long standing periodontal-endodontic combined lesion in the mandibular anterior area: case report.
Eun-Young Kwon, Kyoung-Hwa Jung, So-Yeun Kim, Hye-Mi Jeon, Youn-Kyung Choi, Ji-Young Joo
J Dent Rehabil Appl Sci 2019;35(1):46-54.
Pattern analysis of patients with temporomandibular disorders resulting from unilateral mastication due to chronic periodontitis.
Hye-Mi Jeon, Yong-Woo Ahn, Sung-Hee Jeong, Soo-Min Ok, Jeomil Choi, Ju-Youn Lee, Ji-Young Joo, Eun-Young Kwon
2017 Aug
J Periodontal Implant Sci. 2017 Aug;47(4):211-218.
Managements of ankylosed incisor occurred during adolescence using alveolar bone distraction osteogenesis and decoronation: case report.
Eun-Young Kwon, Woo-Sung Son, Soo-Byung Park, Seong-Sik Kim, Yong-Il Kim, Youn-Kyung Choi
J Dent Rehabil Appl Sci 2017;33(2):143-53.
Robust immunoreactivity of teenager sera against peptide 19 from Porphyromonas gingivalis HSP60.
Eun-Young Kwon, Gil Sun Cha, Ji-Young Joo, Ju-Youn Lee, Jeomil Choi
2017 Jun
J Periodontal Implant Sci. 2017 Jun;47(3):174-181.
Spontaneous teeth migration after periodontal treatment in the patients with drug-induced gingival enlargement.
Youn-Kyung Choi, Kyoung-Hwa Jung, So-Yeun Kim, Hye-Mi Jeon, Jeomil Choi, Ju-Youn Lee, Ji-Young Joo, Eun-Young Kwon
J Dent Rehabil Appl Sci 2017;33(1):34-41.
Effective Management of Acute Necrotizing Ulcerative Gingivitis with Proper Diagnosis and Immediate Treatment.
Eun-Young Kwon, Youn-Kyung Choi, Jeomil Choi, Ju-Youn Lee, Ji-Young Joo
J Korean Dent Sci. 2016;9(2):81-89.
Effect of slow forced eruption on the vertical levels of the interproximal bone and papilla and the width of the alveolar ridge.
Eun-Young Kwon, Ju-Youn Lee, Jeomil Choi
Kor J Ortho 2016;46(6):379-385.
Pep19 drives epitope spreading in periodontitis and periodontitis-associated autoimmune diseases.
Eun-Young Kwon, Gil-Sun Cha, Eui-Kyoung Jeong, Ju-Youn Lee, Sung-Jo Kim, Charls D. Surh, Jeomil Choi
J Periodont Res 2016;51(3):381–394.
Effect of supportive periodontal treatment in the oral lichen planus patients.
Eun-Young Kwon, Jeomil Choi, Ju-Youn Lee
J Dent Rehabil Appl Sci 2015;31(2):134-142.
Endodontic treatment enhances the regenerative potential of teeth with advanced periodontal disease with secondary endodontic involvement.
Eun-Young Kwon, Ju-Youn Lee, Sung-Jo Kim, Jeomil Choi
J Periodontal Implant Sci 2013;43(3):1-5.