Distal interphalangeal joint arthrodesis with nonaxial multiple small screws: a biomechanical analysis with axial headless compression screw and clinical result of 15 consecutive cases
Seung Hun Woo, Sang Ho Kwak, Hyo Seok Jang, Dong Hee Kim, Jang Hyeon Seo and Sang Hyun Lee
BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2022 May 27;23(1):504. doi: 10.1186/s12891-022-05473-9.
Forearm replantation: pearls and pitfalls
Dong Hee Kim, Sang Ho Kwak, Sang Hyun Lee
대한수부외과학회 2022, vol.27, no.2, pp. 171-179
Replantation of Multilevel Amputation of the Hand of an Elderly Patient: A Case Report
Sang Ho Kwak, Sang Hyun Lee, Hyo Seok Jang, Dong Hee Kim, Sung Jin An, Yong Jin Kim
The Journal of Hand Surgery (Asian-Pacific Volume) 2021;26(4):742-746
원위 요골 골절에서 요측 지주 금속판의 유용성: 적응증과 치료결과
안성진, 이상현, 김동희, 장효석, 홍성민, 김학상
Archive of Hand and Microsurgery
Epidemiology and Incidence of
Orthopedic Fractures in the Military
of the Republic of Korea
Sung Jin An, M.D., Sang Hyun Lee, M.D., Gi-Ho Moon, M.D.
Journal of Trauma and Injury
Successful Replantation after Amputation around Both Knee
TY Ahn, SH Kwak, DH Kim, SH Lee, CI Park
Archives of Hand and Microsurgery 25 (2), 140-145
Epidemiologic Features of Distal Radius Fractures in Severe Trauma Patients at the Busan Regional Trauma Center
DH Kim, SH Kwak, HS Jang, SJ An, GE Lee, YJ Cho, SH Lee
Archives of Hand and Microsurgery 25 (3), 181-188
Multilevel Dysvascular Injury of the Hand: Replantation versus Revision Amputation
SH Kwak, SH Lee, SJ Rhee, HS Jang, DH Kim, YJ Kim
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 146 (4), 819-829
Primarily treated patients versus referred patients in the treatment of native septic arthritis of digits: a retrospective comparative study
SH Kwak, JY Bae, Y Oh, HS Jang, TY Ahn, SH Lee
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 21 (1), 1-9